positive & encouraging moments of motherhood
it’s possible you’ll LOVE being a mom
Screentime Boundaries for Moms
Looking to reduce your screen time? Let’s talk about it! I’m sharing my personal screen time rules in hopes to inspire you to spend less time on your iphone. Instead of using a chart or incentive for low screen time, we’ll make subtle shifts in your daily routine and priorities.
My husband and I have done some drastic experiments like the time we cancelled our wifi, deactivating my Instagram account and waiting over 8 months to set up our tv after moving. How did those experiments turn out? Keep watching to find out!
Small subtle shifts in our screentime habits have the power to change our whole life. I find each time I decrease screentime, I increase in happiness!
How to Handle 3 Under 3 With Joy
Just a few months ago I was googling "how to survive 3 under three" and "pros and cons of a small age gap." Now, I'm here, 3 months in as a mom of three and ready to share what I’ve learned and my ! If you are nervous about welcoming your third child and need encouragement, I hope this video will bless you! I'll share a few things that surprise me about having three small children, emotional tips for adjusting to a third child, and the logistics of leaving the house with 3 under 3. Like everything in motherhood, it might go better than you think!
5 Daily Prayers for Your Baby
Are you a praying mama? Prayer feels different once you become a mom and start praying for your children. When I was pregnant with my first, I knew I wanted a daily prayer for my unborn child, but I felt overwhelmed. How should I pray for my child when there are so many things to pray? I thought often. I narrowed it down to 5 prayers for my daughter, and I now pray the same prayer for my sons. I hope this list will inspire you as you create a thoughtful prayer life as a mother!
Three Reasons to Keep Your Due Date Private This Pregnancy
Are you out there googling “signs of labour” every day as you approach 40 weeks pregnant? Waiting for labour to start can feel agonising as you approach the end of pregnancy! My advice? Ignore your due date. Placing too much focus on your “guess date” can drive you crazy. I recommend focusing on your “due date month” instead as you start completing those end-of-pregnancy checklists and nesting! I’m sharing 3 reasons you may want to consider keeping your due date private and even trying to forget it yourself as you approach the end of pregnancy.
How to Prepare for a Peaceful Postpartum
Are you struggling to prepare for postpartum? Should you build a postpartum care kit? What newborn clothing essentials do you need? What are the best freezer meals for postpartum? How should you navigate postpartum visitors? A million questions are running through your mind, and I’m here to help you simplify. In all the list making and to do lists, don’t forget to prepare for rest. Prepare emotionally, prepare your home, and prepare the people around you. We’re covering it all in this comprehensive guide to a peaceful postpartum!
5 Reasons to Try Natural Family Planning
Hormonal birth control is a HARD no for me. After a brief negative experience with the pill and an IUD, I decided to avoid it altogether. Since making this decision, I began to learn of the dangers including increased cancer risks, mental health issues and more. I knew I wanted a natural option that was SIMPLE so we began Natural Family Planning the easy way in 2019 and never looked back!
Our SURPRISE Third Pregnancy
I swore when I saw the positive test. Our third pregnancy came as quite a shock and put us on track to have three under three this summer. It took me a few days to get over the initial shock and thoughts of “How are we going to handle three under three?!” Before I started telling my husband how much fun it is that we get to experience a surprise pregnancy and have a small age gap again.
Am I the only one who wonders HOW unplanned pregnancies happen? After several years of successfully using natural family planning, I thought I was invincible. But I’m sharing ALL the details!
3 Reasons to Try Thrift Shopping Online
Did you know you can thrift shop online these days?! I heard of online thrift stores like thredUp for the first time a few years ago, but I was sceptical. I thought wandering around touching things and trying clothes on was an essential part of the process.
Maybe we can chalk it up to another way motherhood has changed me, but I no longer like going into stores. I'm serious. I don't even go to the store for groceries anymore! I've been placing curbside pickup orders since my daughter was born, and I LOVE it.
5 Must-Read Books for Christian Moms
I learned more in my first few months as a mom than in my whole life before that. I also had dozens of new topics to binge audiobooks on including breastfeeding, baby sleep and more.
As I read and learned more about motherhood, I realized I don't want to get so focused on the tangible everyday needs that I forget to care for our souls. I want to be constantly learning how to be a godly wife and mother. I want to be continually pointing my kids back to God and modelling what it looks like to depend on Him and walk closely with Him.
How to Read Your Bible With a Toddler Around
Life seems to be constantly changing, and do my Bible-reading routines. It looked different when pregnant with my first, as a new mom, with two-under-two and now with a toddler and baby in my care. Sometimes, I miss those days of unstructured quiet time where each precious second of quiet didn’t feel quite so urgent.
The busier life gets, the harder it feels to prioritize reading the Bible in rare moments when both my kids are occupied. If I have a moment to sit, or I could be working on a household task, choosing the Bible feels hard and unproductive.
In this post, I’m sharing 5 ways to entertain your toddler as you try to grab a few moments in God’s word.
How to Transition to Two-Under-Two
As a huge fan of our 15-month age gap, I’m here to share a message of hope along with my favourite tips and tricks and advice to transition well into life with two-under-two. I know you can manage a baby and a toddler and enjoy motherhood even in this busy season as a two under two mom. There are many ways to make life easier and tips you must have as you make the jump.
Pros and Cons of a 15-Month Age Gap
About a year ago, my search history looked like this:
“Pros and cons of the 15-month age gap?”
“What is the best age gap?”
“Two under two tips”
It feels surreal being on the other side of the transition and able to share my own experience as a two-under-two mom. Spoiler alert - we love our small age gap. I highly recommend having your kids as close as you want to and are able to!
What you ACTUALLY need for your baby’s first year of life
If you know me, you know I take a “wait and see” approach to buying everything, but especially when it comes to buying baby items. There are so many crazy gadgets marketed towards tired, desperate moms or anxious moms-to-be, and when it came time to build my own baby registry, I was skeptical. It turns out, most first-time moms need a lot less than they think.
After having two-under-two, I feel well equipped to share what you do and don’t need for your baby’s first year of life. I recommend taking the same approach I did and putting off any purchases you feel unsure of. I’ll be sharing the best baby finds on Amazon Canada.
7 Reasons to Choose Homebirth
“What made you decide to have a homebirth?” people often ask.
The question makes me chuckle because I always wonder the opposite. Why do people choose to leave their homes and go to an unfamiliar environment for one of the most vulnerable and impactful moments of their lives?
The question surprises me now, but just a few years ago, I would have been the one asking it.
How to Prepare Your Heart for Motherhood
I'm the only person I know who said “thank goodness pregnancy is so long” right up until 40 weeks of pregnancy with my first. Labour was starting, but I didn't feel ready. Are you ever ready for kids? Maybe not.
Entering motherhood is one of the biggest transitions you will go through. You will encounter so much joy but also moments of sorrow as you part with the life you're leaving behind.
Five Things to Teach Your Toddler About Jesus
There's something special about the beginning of motherhood. I'm so full of hope and excitement as I look at my babies and imagine who they are becoming. I'm excited to intentionally create the culture in our home and raise kids who know Jesus.
There are so many decisions I won't get to make for them. Especially big, important decisions like whether or not they choose to walk with Jesus. I take my role very seriously, and I want to lovingly introduce them to Jesus years before they’re ready to make that decision. Since my first child was in the womb, I've been seeking out godly children’s books and I've loved reading my favorites to my growing bumps and babies.
How to Make Time to Read the Bible
Time is just one of many obstacles that can keep us out of the Bible. If you’re constantly thinking “I don’t have time to read the bible” or “I’m too busy to get in God’s Word” this post is for you. I want to help you overcome common obstacles and increase the time you spend with your Savior!
Asher's Birth
If you plan on giving birth soon, here’s my number one tip: Don’t forget you’re having a baby.
it sounds simple, right? You’d think the constant contractions and downward pressure would help you remember what’s going on. but being in labour is like nothing else, and apparently, I’m not alone in genuinely forgetting it was time to meet my baby.