How to Read Your Bible With a Toddler Around

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Do you ever feel like you were a better Christian before you had kids?

Maybe you used to have hours of uninterrupted quiet to spend journaling, praying, reading the Bible, and drinking a beautiful-looking coffee. Life seems to be constantly changing and so do my Bible-reading routines. It looked different when pregnant with my first, as a new first-time mom, with two-under-two and now with a toddler and baby in my care.

My time with God has looked drastically different in different seasons, and sometimes, I miss those days of unstructured quiet time where each precious second of quiet didn’t feel quite so urgent.

As our family grows, it's tempting to prioritize anything but reading the Bible in rare moments when both my children are occupied. If I have a moment to sit, or I could be working on a household task, choosing the Bible feels hard and unproductive.

As I’ve worked through some of my objections, I’ve become very passionate about helping other moms take back our Bible time and get in God's Word. (Stay with me for a free 7-day devotional to help get you back in God’s Word!) It won't look like it did before we had kids, but that doesn't mean it doesn't count. Today I'm sharing five practical ways to entertain a toddler while you read your Bible.

Typically, I don't like the word entertain, because I don't really believe it's my job to entertain my children. They are naturally so curious and eager to learn and explore, and often trying to entertain them with perfectly curated toys or activities often gets in the way of their own natural learning.

But, here are five things you can try to grab yourself a few moments in God's Word.

1. Colouring

Since I often have a highlighter or a pen with me as I read my Bible, my daughter loves to have her colouring as well.

It feels like a sweet, intimate time together if we sit at the coffee table, her working on her paper and me on mine. Often she'll focus and colour independently for a few minutes before coming over to see what I’m up to.

2. Books

Since I'm reading, she often likes to read too. Sometimes she’ll flip through a book independently and look at pictures, or just hold it and mimic my actions.

These touch-and-feel books entertain her for a good long time. I also have a list of favourite faith-based books I love to have around the home.

3. Read Aloud

I find my daughter is surprisingly more content when I read aloud to her from my bible and talk to her about what I'm reading. She won't necessarily understand every word, but hey, some days I have trouble understanding what I'm reading. If I tell her what I'm doing and I read it aloud to her, she seems to be more calm and more likely to self-entertain as I read.

4. A New Toy

Don’t be fooled by the word “new.” I typically pull out a toy she hasn’t seen in a while. We frequently do mini toy rotations, so often I have a few toys that seem new. If I pull out something she hasn't seen in a while, especially one with lots of little pieces, she will usually explore it for a while before moving on.

image of two under two eating snacks together as a suggested way of entertaining toddlers so mom can read the bible

5. Snacks

An assortment of crackers, cheese and fruit will often provide a few quiet moments. Sometimes it works well for me to read my bible next to my daughter as she quietly munches on her snack. If my son is awake too, I like to pop him in the excersaucer with some Cheerios. My daughter always pulls up a chair and they sit together snacking for what seems like ages!

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Don’t stress about making quiet time quiet

I hope these five tips will help you find ways to engage your toddler as you dig into God's Word.

I can assure you Bible time will look different than it used to. Quiet time won't be quiet. You will likely have to hold on tight to your highlighters if you want to keep your walls clean.

But I don't believe time in God's word is something to be shoved into the cracks of our day and hidden from our children. I want my children to grow up seeing me read God's Word no matter how inconvenient it might feel. You’re not “doing it wrong” if it feels noisy and chaotic. I’m glad you’re prioritizing time with your saviour!

If Bible time has felt heavy and out of sync lately, I have something that can help!


5 Must-Read Books for Christian Moms


How to Transition to Two-Under-Two