Hi! I’m Micaela

I would have laughed so hard if I caught a glimpse of current-me four years ago. That girl who loudly proclaimed “I’m never having kids” wouldn’t have guessed I’d become an advocate for positive motherhood and faith.

I wanted a career so badly. I picked the shortest post-secondary program I could find (PR), married my high school sweetheart, and cried hot heavy tears every time my new dream job didn’t work out. I thought there was something seriously wrong with me.

But now I see all those false starts, all those disappointing “dream” jobs lead me here - to a role with more peace and purpose than I ever thought possible. I feel more fulfilled and purposeful as a mom than in any role I previously held.

I always hoped God would call me into ministry. But I didn’t imagine motherhood would become the most beautiful and sacred ministry I can think of. After transitioning smoothly and happily into my role as a mom, I became obsessed with cracking the code and figuring out why I love motherhood so much. Now, I’m obsessed with helping you love it too!

I feel honoured to be at home full-time and have my kids as my number one priority while still writing and creating content to encourage other mothers!

Wondering where to start? I’ve got a FREE class you might like!

Truth for Tots

It's never too early to introduce your babies to Jesus! I've created a FREE 30-minute video class is full of ideas to bring God into your days at home with littles as well as encouragement for the mama desperate for her babies to know Jesus. Shall I send it your way?

Add your info below, and I'll send it over along with a list of my favourite resources for bringing Jesus into our home.

On the Blog