positive & encouraging moments of motherhood
it’s possible you’ll LOVE being a mom
Screentime Boundaries for Moms
Looking to reduce your screen time? Let’s talk about it! I’m sharing my personal screen time rules in hopes to inspire you to spend less time on your iphone. Instead of using a chart or incentive for low screen time, we’ll make subtle shifts in your daily routine and priorities.
My husband and I have done some drastic experiments like the time we cancelled our wifi, deactivating my Instagram account and waiting over 8 months to set up our tv after moving. How did those experiments turn out? Keep watching to find out!
Small subtle shifts in our screentime habits have the power to change our whole life. I find each time I decrease screentime, I increase in happiness!
How to Enjoy Being a Stay-at-home-mom
Being a stay at home mom is a blessing. But it comes with its own set of unique challenges! Should you have a stay-at-home mom schedule? How should you spend your time as a stay-at-home mom? Do you need to take your kids out every day of the week to make sure you socialize them enough?
In this video, I'm sharing a few of my favorite stay-at-home mom tips along with my personal schedule or rather routine in this season with three kids under three.
Start Your Blog: Overcome 5 Blogging Objections
Have you been putting off starting your Blog or YouTube channel? For years, I told myself I didn't have time to blog or that I didn't know how to start a blog. But really, I was afraid. I let insecurities hold me back from pursuing my God-given dreams.
I waited until one of my most chaotic seasons of motherhood, with two under two, to finally start my blog. Now, I've made it my mission to help other women get started as new bloggers. Today, I'm sharing several excuses I used in hopes to encourage you if you are hiding behind these excuses too.
If you desire to write or create content and encourage the world, that desire isn't going to go away. There's a good chance it was placed in you by God, and you need to be obedient! As a mom of toddlers, I'm thankful to have a creative outlet, and an opportunity to encourage others in their faith without leaving the walls of my home.
How to Handle 3 Under 3 With Joy
Just a few months ago I was googling "how to survive 3 under three" and "pros and cons of a small age gap." Now, I'm here, 3 months in as a mom of three and ready to share what I’ve learned and my ! If you are nervous about welcoming your third child and need encouragement, I hope this video will bless you! I'll share a few things that surprise me about having three small children, emotional tips for adjusting to a third child, and the logistics of leaving the house with 3 under 3. Like everything in motherhood, it might go better than you think!
Thrifting Rules I Follow as a Minimal-ish Mom
Thrifting changes after becoming a mama! As a minimalist mom (or minimalist!) I’ve put a few rules in place to make thrift shopping work for my lifestyle. If you’ve been wondering how to thrift as a minimalist mom and how to find kids clothes at the thrift store, I think you’ll like my list of thrift shopping rules and the thrifting tips I share along the way! Now that I’m a toddler mom with three under three, I love thrift shopping online!
12 Things that Surprised me About Pregnancy
Expect the unexpected when you’re expecting! I’m sharing 12 Things That Surprised Me About Pregnancy - all the real, sometimes funny, experiences I had as a first-time mom. From pregnancy emotions that defy logic to awkward interactions with strangers, this blog is your guide to navigating the surprises of pregnancy with laughter and reassurance. Join me as I share stories that every new mom can relate to with a positive take on the journey to motherhood.
5 Creative Hobbies for Moms
If you're looking for ways to create as a new mom or toddler mom, this video is for you! Our lifestyle is unique and we need creative activities we can pack up quickly and work on in short stints. Motherhood doesn't mean the end for your creative journey, it's an opportunity to discover new ways to create!
I'm sharing 5 activities I've found joy in since becoming a mom to inspire you as you create in the cracks of motherhood. What are some of your favourite ways to create?
Five things to do when motherhood feels hard
I believe it's possible to love motherhood in every season, even the tough ones. I'm currently in the thick of my most chaotic season as a toddler mom with three under three, but I'm still so grateful this is my life. I believe its important to acknowledge when motherhood is hard, call on God through prayer to inform your identity, make a note of what you're grateful for, speak life over your children and focus on today.
5 Daily Prayers for Your Baby
Are you a praying mama? Prayer feels different once you become a mom and start praying for your children. When I was pregnant with my first, I knew I wanted a daily prayer for my unborn child, but I felt overwhelmed. How should I pray for my child when there are so many things to pray? I thought often. I narrowed it down to 5 prayers for my daughter, and I now pray the same prayer for my sons. I hope this list will inspire you as you create a thoughtful prayer life as a mother!
5 Ways to Simplify Your Home as a Toddler Mom
Is it possible to love motherhood? Even as a toddler mom with two under two or three under three? I say ABSOLUTELY yes! I’m walking through 5 simple habits to quit if you want to spend less time cleaning your home and more time soaking in the little people you love. I’m sharing my 5-minute laundry routine, how I cook from scratch in half the time and keep the toys tidy in just a few minutes every night. If you’ve been looking to reduce the overwhelm of being a toddler mom, you’ve come to the right place!
How to Shop for a Minimalist
With the holiday season around the corner, you may already be stressing about gifts. We all have that one person who is especially hard to shop for, and maybe its because they are a self-proclaimed minimalist!
I consider myself minimal-ish (I have three kids under three, I still need to own a lot of items), but I’m here to save the day with a collection of minimalist gift ideas! We’ll chat through consumable gift ideas, some things to consider when shopping for a minimalist and how to gift mindfully. I hope this guide will help as you seek to purchase thoughtful holiday gifts for minimalists.
Three Reasons to Keep Your Due Date Private This Pregnancy
Are you out there googling “signs of labour” every day as you approach 40 weeks pregnant? Waiting for labour to start can feel agonising as you approach the end of pregnancy! My advice? Ignore your due date. Placing too much focus on your “guess date” can drive you crazy. I recommend focusing on your “due date month” instead as you start completing those end-of-pregnancy checklists and nesting! I’m sharing 3 reasons you may want to consider keeping your due date private and even trying to forget it yourself as you approach the end of pregnancy.
How to Prepare for a Peaceful Postpartum
Are you struggling to prepare for postpartum? Should you build a postpartum care kit? What newborn clothing essentials do you need? What are the best freezer meals for postpartum? How should you navigate postpartum visitors? A million questions are running through your mind, and I’m here to help you simplify. In all the list making and to do lists, don’t forget to prepare for rest. Prepare emotionally, prepare your home, and prepare the people around you. We’re covering it all in this comprehensive guide to a peaceful postpartum!
8 Tips to Help You Beat Writers Block
Is writer’s block tormenting you? My list of 8 tips to get rid of writers block is sure to provide some inspiration! Whether you’re working on a book or you’re a beginner blogger, these prompts are full of advice to get your creative juices flowing. Need more inspiration? Check out our list of 100 blog post ideas!
My Five-Step Framework to go from Blog Post Idea to Published Post in One Hour
If you’re wondering how to write a blog post as a beginner, I’m here to help! Whether it's your first blog post or you want tips to write a good blog post, my five-step strategy to take your topic from idea to outline to published post fast is here to help. Write your blog post in less than 30 minutes and get it on your site in under an hour with this helpful strategy. If you need blogging inspiration, don’t skip my list of 100 blog post ideas available as a free download!
10 Bible-Reading Must Haves to Peacefully Enjoy God’s Word
If you’re looking for the best bible study tools and Bible-reading must haves, you’ve come to the right place! I’m sharing the top 10 tools that help me peacefully enjoy God’s Word. Don’t get too bogged down searching for the perfect bible reading aesthetic or bible reading plan for beginners - it isn’t the products that will make your time with God impactful. I’ve also included my free printable Bible reading tracker specifically designed for toddler moms!
5 Reasons to Start a Blog Today
“Should I start a blog” you often wonder. Maybe you catch yourself writing blog posts in your head or frantically scribbling down blogging ideas in the middle of the night, but for some reason, you haven’t taken the plunge just yet, and you want to figure out if blogging is for you. As someone who sat on the sidelines for years and is now a beginner blogger, I’m eager to share five reasons to start your blog TODAY instead of putting it off for another year.
Track Your Bible Reading the Gentle Way
If you’re sick of trying to read the bible in a year or keep up with a bible reading plan, you’re going to love these tips to simplify the way you track your bible reading! This free printable features dateless pages so you can read at your convenience and celebrate the days you DO read instead of stressing about the days you DON’T. Just add your email, and I’ll send over the free pdf download!
5 Mistakes I Made as a New Blogger
I spent YEARS reading blogging tips & tricks instead of actually blogging. I thought I needed to learn everything possible FIRST, instead of starting a blog and learning by trial and error.
There are some things you can’t learn from a blog post or masterclass. Eventually, you need to show up, start your blog, make mistakes and watch how quickly you learn! Today, I’m sharing 5 mistakes I made as a new blogger, but please - don’t make mistake #5. Skim this post real quick, grab my free PDF download (the Build a Blog Checklist) and GO START YOUR BLOG. I mean it!! You’ll learn so much more in those weeks as a beginner blogger than you will reading dozens of blogs about blogging tips.
How to Read the Bible When You Don't Want To
Some days, reading the bible feels like a chore and the longer we leave it the more it feels hard to read the Bible and hard to understand. I used to shame myself when I felt this way. I thought I was a bad Christian if I didn’t rush to God’s Word each morning. I didn’t want to admit I didn’t know how to read the bible. Whether you are a mature Christian or a beginner, I know you will be blessed by the tips & tricks in my 5 step process to get back in God’s Word!