Track Your Bible Reading the Gentle Way

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Since I became a mom, my outlook on to-do lists, habit trackers, schedules, and all those things people seem to love in the corporate world, has changed drastically.

As a mom, a lot is outside of my control. Will someone get poop on their clothes today? Probably. Will we all have big emotions and skip our naps? Maybe. I don't believe in adding a bunch of guilt and shame around tasks that are already unpredictable.

I’ve also made it my mission to stop turning activities I enjoy into a chore. You know what I mean, right? You pick up crochet as a relaxing creative hobby, but suddenly you’re trying to make 5 pieces to give away for birthdays next week.

This used to happen all the time with activities I enjoy and it happened with reading the Bible too. I used to create rigid routines that felt impossible to sustain, and I felt so full of guilt for “failing” that I stopped turning to God’s word at all.

Now, I have a much more gentle way of tracking my Bible-reading progress, and I’m sharing five steps to start tracking your Bible-reading the gentle way too!

1. Break up with habit trackers and time-bound reading plans

Reading plans can be a helpful tool, but if it has dates on it, that's a hard no for me. I find attaching a reading to a specific day puts the focus on the days you don’t engage and creates a frantic, shameful feeling.

I share more about this in my Bible-reading course, but it changed everything for me when I began to view myself differently. Instead of focusing on fleeting goals, I view myself as a person who reads the Bible. I know I will always come back no matter how long it's been and this frees me to enjoy it instead of staying away because I didn’t read yesterday.

2. Embrace a slow pace.

I used to think the goal of Bible reading was quantity. I wanted to get through as much as possible as fast as possible. I set lofty goals like reading eight chapters a day, skimming through just to get it done.

Now, I’m comfortable lingering in the same chapter for days at a time. Especially as a young mom who is often distracted or tired, I love coming back to the same chapter day after day. There is always something more to learn. I no longer rush myself. It's fun marking my progress and checking things off, but what feels better to me is actually enjoying God’s word and being changed by what I'm reading.

3. Use a simple minimal tracker template

I created the exact Bible reading tracker I wanted to use, and it’s available as a free download for you too!

Like I said, I don’t appreciate anything bound by dates or rigid restrictions. 30-day challenges have their time and place, but not in this season as a mom of little kids. My free printable allows you to celebrate the progress you make and the chapters you DO read instead of dwelling on the days you don’t.

I encourage you to find a tracking system that works for you and brings you peace!

You can download my simple minimal bible reading tracker here.

4. Commit to celebrating when you DO read instead of stressing when you DON’T.

Negative reinforcement, shame, guilt, those things do not motivate me. They drive me further from God's word. However, I find positive reinforcement to be a very powerful motivator! Instead of beating myself for missing days, or getting behind on a bible reading plan, I love to celebrate what I DO read in a visual way!

Whether you want to bribe yourself with treats, text a friend or beautify your bible with fun highlighters, find a way to celebrate your progress and enjoy God’s word!

5. Get excited to read God’s word again!

Seriously, removing shame and celebrating my progress was essential in feeling excited to read the Bible again. Of course, there are still days it's hard to pick up my Bible, but I no longer get stuck in a cycle of shame, I just dive back in the next day with renewed enthusiasm.

This is exactly why I created my Bible reading tracker with toddler moms in mind. There are no dates on this tracker, so there's no way to get behind, do it wrong, or label yourself a failure.

This tracker leaves room to read in any order. You don't have to read from Genesis to Revelation. Or even read books of the Bible all at once. You can come back at your convenience and mark off your progress.

Add your info below and I will send the free printable your way. I know you will love tracking your Bible reading in this way!

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This free printable features dateless pages so you can read at your convenience and celebrate the days you DO read instead of stressing about the days you DON’T.

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