I help toddler moms enjoy motherhood
After years of saying “I”m never having kids” God changed my heart overnight and I stepped into the greatest blessing. Now, I help women navigate pregnancy & birth, transition into motherhood, and grow in their faith.
Grow Your Faith
Do you struggle to find time to read the Bible?
My Bible-reading guide for moms will help you find creative ways to get in God’s Word throughout your day and spend more time with your saviour.
On the Blog
Healthy Habits
My life changed when I started focusing on small, mundane moments. I spent years trying to change my life with drastic decisions, but those changes left me feeling frustrated and discouraged. With many small shifts over time, we can build a life we truly love!
Motherhood provides great motivation to pursue healthy rhythms and inspire our children. I love sharing my favourite healthy habits for moms, including reading the Bible, making time to create, minimalism, money management, and so much more!
On the Blog
Manage Your Mindset
Becoming Mama is one of the biggest transitions you’ll ever go through. Don’t get so caught up throwing parties and babyproofing your home that you forget to prepare your most important asset - your heart!
You will likely encounter some of the highest highs and lowest lows you’ve felt in those early days of motherhood. There is so much joy ahead, but fully embracing the joy requires intentionally mourning the life you leave behind. I’m here to guide you along the way so you can be all-in in your new role as Mama.
Looking to reduce your screen time? Let’s talk about it! I’m sharing my personal screen time rules in hopes to inspire you to spend less time on your iphone. Instead of using a chart or incentive for low screen time, we’ll make subtle shifts in your daily routine and priorities.
My husband and I have done some drastic experiments like the time we cancelled our wifi, deactivating my Instagram account and waiting over 8 months to set up our tv after moving. How did those experiments turn out? Keep watching to find out!
Small subtle shifts in our screentime habits have the power to change our whole life. I find each time I decrease screentime, I increase in happiness!