5 Ways to Introduce Your Toddler to Jesus

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So… are we going today? I asked my husband every Sunday morning, knowing full well neither of us actually wanted to show up at church. We always left the decision to the last minute, and sleeping in usually won. Going to church didn’t feel like a priority.

But when I was pregnant with my first child, everything changed.

I imagined us as parents and the life I wanted our kids to have. I decided I wanted church to be a part of it. There was no longer room to be passive about my faith I was going to be responsible for discipling another person. My spiritual disciplines became so much more important and I started to think of the ways I want to introduce my child to Jesus.

Now that my sweet girl is a toddler and I’m a mom of two, I love finding simple and fun ways to bring Jesus into our days. (Check out my free Truth for Tots Class for more on this topic). I love that she requests prayer and the bible and begs to go to church even in the middle of the week. She knows these things are a regular part of our routine, and she is meeting Jesus in our home.

I’m going to share 5 simple and practical ways to bring God into each day while at home with little kids. As you read through this list, don’t let the voice of shame step in. You’re not too late if you haven’t thought about this yet, and you don’t need to add Jesus-time as a complicated task on your to-do list. I hope this list will excite you and inspire you to find simple and life-giving ways to bring God into each day.

1. Read your Bible in front of your kids

It breaks my heart when I encounter moms who believe they can't read the Bible because of the season of motherhood they are in. Of course, it doesn't look like it did before we had kids. We may not have hours before dawn or hot coffee or quiet time. But it's more important than ever for us to be in God's word anywhere and everywhere setting an example for our children!

I try to read the Bible at least once a day in front of my children. Sometimes it's in the car at grocery pickup, sometimes it's on the couch while they play, and sometimes I play the audio Bible while I wash dishes. It looks different every day, but I want my kids to see me turning to God's word often.

2. Read faith-based books or a kids' Bible to your little ones

There are so many times in motherhood when our expectations and reality clash. Reading books is one of those areas. Occasionally, we have a serene moment where my toddler brings me a book and sits quietly and eagerly looks at the pictures while I read to her. But most days, reading to my toddler means I’m yelling out words reading while she runs around and tries to put on her shoes to play outside.

It might not look like it does in my head, but I'm committed to reading Bible stories to My kids as much as possible. They might only hear one sentence each day, but over a lifetime even those little snippets will add up.

3. Listen to worship music you like or kids praise songs in the car

I'm convinced the main way I know my Bible stories is from Sunday school stories and songs. I was so excited when I found Wonder Kids on Spotify. It takes me right back to my early 2000 Sunday school days singing cheesy songs and hearing Bible stories. I know my toddler is a little sponge right now, and she's going to be memorizing whatever she hears over and over again. As much as possible, I want to place Christian media in her life and reinforce Bible stories instead of getting her to memorize secular stories and songs. This feels like a simple way to bring God back into our days, and my daughter gets excited to hear the songs. (I created the Truth for Tots Class because I want to help you simplify bringing God into each day)

4. Pray out loud and often

There is ALWAYS a reason to talk to God! I typically speak out loud to myself or speak to my cats like humans, so praying out loud comes pretty naturally to me. At first, it felt a little funny praying out loud in front of my toddler, but now I realize it's an incredible testimony to teach her the power of prayer and the power of praying out loud.

Now, I tell her exactly what I'm doing. I tell her how I'm feeling and explain that I'm bringing those thoughts and feelings to Jesus. I pray out loud and ask her if there's anything she wants to say. She is just starting to get into praying by repeating very simple words. “Jesus, thank you, Amen.” I love hearing her simple prayers. Really what more is there to say? We always have a reason to thank Jesus!

5. Tell them about Jesus

I've been talking to my kids about Jesus since they were in the womb. I know it can feel silly when we don't know how much they can understand. But sometimes I like to think my kids know more about God than I do. They were created so recently!

I always think of Psalm 139:13-15:

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.

God was with my children as He was forming them, and sometimes there is a hint of recognition in their eyes as I share about Him.

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6. Take them to church

I want my children to grow up building relationships with other adults who know Jesus, not just my husband and me. Starting a habit of going to church after a long season of apathy felt hard. But I never regret going! Even when we show up late with dirty hair and my kids end up throwing stocks around the sanctuary the whole time, I'm always glad we were there. Even when my brain is so full and distracted I don't catch anything the pastor says, I'm always glad when we prioritize meeting with other believers.

Thankfully, my daughter loves going to church! She loves playing in the nursery and often asks to go to church when we're in the car doing errands throughout the week.


There you have it, 5 simple and fun ways to bring God into your day with little kids. I hope this list excites you and inspires you to find opportunities to bring God into your days.

If you want to hear in more detail how we do this, I have a free class all about introducing your children to Jesus!


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