5 Must-Read Books for Christian Moms

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I’d be willing to bet I learned more in my first few months as a mom than in my whole life before that. Of course, the hands-on learning is irreplaceable, but I also had dozens of new topics to binge audiobooks on including breastfeeding, baby sleep, baby feeding, toddler tantrums and so much more. I’m always looking ahead to the next stage to learn what I can.

I've always felt like no matter what problem I'm facing, there is an answer in a book somewhere, and I enjoy the challenge of finding it.

As I read and learn more about how to be a good mom and how to be the mom God made me to be, I don't want to get so focused on the tangible everyday needs that I forget to care for our souls. I want to be constantly learning how to be a godly woman, a godly wife, and a godly mother. I want to be continually pointing my kids back to God and modelling what it looks like to depend on Him and walk closely with Him. (I have a FREE class to help you teach your toddler about Jesus if this is important to you too!)

I've read a lot of books about parenting, and I've read a lot of books about walking with Jesus, but there are a few that have stood out above all the others that I keep coming back to and reading over and over. I hope this list excites you and inspires you as you continue intentionally growing as a godly wife and mother.

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1. Fervent

I've read and listened to this book more times than I can count. I know I will never stop reading it over and over as I will always be striving for a more fervent prayer life. This book opened my eyes to things that are going on in the spiritual realm and constantly convicts me to take prayer more seriously.

In five sections, Priscilla Shire gives us the kick in the pants we all need to get our prayer life in check and protect our homes. I cannot get enough of this book.

Get it on amazon.ca | Get it on amazon.com

2. Take Back Your Family

I always thought family life in the 1960s was the dream. Mom stays home, dad goes off to work, and mom raises kids and cares for the home single-handedly. I didn’t see the flaws of what I thought was a traditional view until I read Take Back Your Family. This book opened my eyes to so many things I might have otherwise missed in the way God ACTUALLY designed family - as an intergenerational community on mission.

Being a stay-at-home mom is great, I’m a work-from-home mom myself, but we can take it one step further and find creative ways to integrate our entire family, not just the mom and kids.

My husband and I read this book together, a chapter each week, when my daughter was just a few months old, and it got me so excited for the life ahead. There's something so powerful about being at the beginning of motherhood and getting to intentionally choose how we're going to raise our children and what kind of culture we're going to create in our homes.

This is a must-read for all parents who want to raise a God-honoring family, not just kids who appear well-behaved.

Get it on amazon.ca | Get it on amazon.com

3. Create Anyway

When I got pregnant with my first child, it felt like all my work ethic and creative energy dried up instantly. While I had previously been building a business, pouring time into creating content for Instagram and excitedly decorating my home. I suddenly had no desire to do any of those things. I wanted to be alone to process my thoughts to quietly and privately enter into motherhood.

While I'm glad I went through that transition offline and minimized the voices around me, there came a point where I realized I missed writing and creating and expressing myself online.

After having my first babies and experiencing a pandemic, I felt very jaded and sceptical of any dream I had. This book was a healing balm to my wounded soul that felt like it couldn't dream anymore. Ashlee encourages us that creativity and motherhood don't have to happen in separate seasons of life or at separate times. This book gave me so many practical ideas of how to create alongside my kids as well as encouragement to find new ways to be creative and enjoy the desires God puts on my heart.

It was after reading this book that I began to pray more seriously about creative opportunities, and God answered those prayers in big ways. I attribute the fact that I'm even writing online right now to this book. It will always be special to me, and I know it's one I'm going to read over and over again.

Get it on amazon.ca | Get it on amazon.com

4. Satisfied

I read Satisfied early into my first pregnancy. Even during that first pregnancy, I was intentional in my thoughts towards motherhood and how I prepared my heart. I knew I didn't want motherhood to be a way I tried to bolster my self-confidence or gain approval. I wanted to approach my new role from a place of service. I had been praying for a way to be less selfish, and motherhood came along as the perfect opportunity.

Satisfied provided the reminder I needed to look to God for the satisfaction and fulfilment of my deepest longings and emotional needs instead of trying to somehow increase my worth by doing good works or making my family fit into a certain mould. There is a deep focus on gratitude instead of dwelling on our lack, a mindset that has served me well in motherhood.

Get it on amazon.ca | Get it on amazon.com

5. Risen Motherhood

This is another book I read during my first pregnancy. Although I couldn't yet relate to many of the anecdotes shared, it helped prepare me ahead of time and shape my outlook on the transition I was about to go through.

Emily and Laura go through 14 motherhood topics and how the gospel fits into each one. Topics range from our postpartum bodies to schooling choices. This is another must-read if you want to view motherhood as a ministry and a mission field instead of just a passive activity.

Get it on amazon.ca | Get it on amazon.com

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So there you have it, my list of must-read books for Christian moms.

I know you will love these books as much as I did! I want to be intentional about what I consume and how I shape my thoughts towards motherhood. Each of these books will contribute to a positive motherhood mindset and draw you closer to Christ.

May God bless you as you continue to intentionally pursue your calling as a godly mother.


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