
positive & encouraging moments of motherhood

it’s possible you’ll LOVE being a mom

5 Must-Read Books for Christian Moms

I learned more in my first few months as a mom than in my whole life before that. I also had dozens of new topics to binge audiobooks on including breastfeeding, baby sleep and more.

As I read and learned more about motherhood, I realized I don't want to get so focused on the tangible everyday needs that I forget to care for our souls. I want to be constantly learning how to be a godly wife and mother. I want to be continually pointing my kids back to God and modelling what it looks like to depend on Him and walk closely with Him.

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Motherhood, Faith, Reading Micaela Meister Motherhood, Faith, Reading Micaela Meister

Five Things to Teach Your Toddler About Jesus

There's something special about the beginning of motherhood. I'm so full of hope and excitement as I look at my babies and imagine who they are becoming. I'm excited to intentionally create the culture in our home and raise kids who know Jesus.

There are so many decisions I won't get to make for them. Especially big, important decisions like whether or not they choose to walk with Jesus. I take my role very seriously, and I want to lovingly introduce them to Jesus years before they’re ready to make that decision. Since my first child was in the womb, I've been seeking out godly children’s books and I've loved reading my favorites to my growing bumps and babies.

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