Five Things to Teach Your Toddler About Jesus

And the Books We Read as Reminders

There's something special about the beginning of motherhood. I'm so full of hope and excitement as I look at my babies and imagine who they are becoming. I'm excited to intentionally create the culture in our home and raise kids who know Jesus. (I’ve created a whole class on this topic - Truth for Tots)

In just two years as a mom, I’ve already had to let go in so many ways. We get to decide everything for a brand-new baby. They can't move their bodies how they need to to get out burps or grab the soother right next to them. In just two years, they become full-on little people, yelling out the foods they want and sparing no one's feelings with big reactions.

There are so many decisions I won't get to make for them. Especially big, important decisions like whether or not they choose to walk with Jesus. I take my role very seriously, and I want to lovingly introduce them to Jesus years before they’re ready to make that decision. Since my first child was in the womb, I've been seeking out godly children’s books and I've loved reading my favorites to my growing bumps and babies.

As we walk through 5 things I want my children to know, and the books that help me remind them over and over, I hope you will feel excited to teach your own children and equipped with new resources to help you share Jesus in your home.

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Jesus is Always With You - Found

Psalm 23 was one of my favorite passages as a kid, and one I've been so excited to share with my children. Since my children were in the womb, I've wanted them to know Jesus and know they are never alone.

I often read books to my growing bump, and this was one of my favorites during my first pregnancy! My daughter still loves reading Found, and it's only more special now that she can spot the "mlayams" (lambs) on the pages!

By the same author, we also love The Jesus Storybook Bible, Loved, Known, Near and Happy. (There’s a full list of my favourite Christian Picture Books inside the Truth for Tots Class)

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You are Blessed to be a Blessing - The Blessing of You

Genesis 12:2 says "I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing."

We pray and speak blessings over our children daily. I want them to know they are blessed and look for opportunities to bless others.

My mom gave us The Blessing of You right after my son, Asher was born. His name means "blessed" which makes this book extra special to us! I want to read this book to my children often as they grow older because it is full of ideas on how God uses us to bless people each day.

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You are Wonderfully Made - Just in Case You Ever Wonder

I listened to the song Canvas and Clay on repeat during both pregnancies. I love looking at my babies and thinking about how God created them. He created every physical feature I get to enjoy and so many personality traits that are yet to unfold.

We love reading Just in Case You Ever Wonder to my kids as a reminder that they were created with intention and placed in our family on purpose. Sometimes I get emotional reading these words over them!

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God Will Always Love You - Don't Forget to Remember

If my children grow up only knowing one thing, I want them to know they are loved deeply. I want them to know they're loved by their parents but also by the one who created them.

Don't Forget to Remember has a sweet way of reminding us of the depth of God's love. With colorful images of animals, my daughter is always eager to read along!

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You Can Talk to God Anytime - Anytime, Anyplace, Any Prayer

Now that my daughter is old enough to repeat words and yell "me pray!" we've been reminding her often that she can talk to Jesus. At meal times, she loves to yell Amen or copy a simple prayer "Jesus, thank you, Amen." When she goes to bed, I remind her she's not alone and she can think about happy things from the day and say "Jesus, thank you."

This book fits so naturally into her home and reinforces everything we've been teaching her! It's a very simple book that goes over a variety of places and ways we can pray simple prayers. This one is new to our collection, but I'm excited to read it to her on repeat!

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I’ve been working to create really intentional routines for prayer and Bible-reading in our home. I want to bring God into each of our days in a way that feels refreshing and natural instead of stressful. I thought other mamas looking to share Jesus with their kids might be interested in learning more about what we do! This is why I’ve created the Truth for Tots class.

I hope you feel a renewed sense of excitement around reading to your kids and love having these books in your home as much as we do!

I take the task of discipling our children very seriously! As I seek to teach my children, I know I need to make sure my foundation and faith is strong. I need to be getting in God's word daily, and I want to help other moms do the same.

Get the Truth for Tots Class


How to Prepare Your Heart for Motherhood


Why you don’t have to read the Bible