How to Make Time to Read the Bible

Even as a Busy Mom

I used to start my days with hours at my computer journaling prayers into a Google doc. Then, I read a couple of devotional books and maybe a chapter of the Bible.

I had an abundance of time to spend with God. I often focused on fluffy devotionals instead of prioritizing the word of God, but I had time to read whatever I wanted and journal for as long as I wanted to.

When I became a mom, that all changed, of course. I no longer have time to devour devotionals and use multicoloured highlighters. I can’t even leave my special bible highlighters lying around with a busy toddler who loves to decorate furniture!

My bible-time looks different now. It can feel challenging to fit it in some days. But when I'm in the Word consistently, I see the fruit of it in my life. I'm more patient and kind and I constantly have a song of praise or a bible verse running through my mind.

I NEED to be in the Word. And my kids NEED to see me need Jesus and turn to Him for daily fuel.

I've developed a simple system that allows me to get in the Word - often multiple times a day - without getting up before dawn, spending my kids’ entire nap time reading the Bible, or feeling guilty on the days I don’t read the Word. I want you to feel encouraged and equipped to get in the Word frequently.

Manage Expectations

Time in the Word isn't going to look like it did before you had kids. You are a new creation, and no matter which way you spin it, God is going to do something new in your life and how you show up to your bible-time.

There are a lot of days I spend running around eating snacks instead of meals or only finishing half sentences as I try to chat with friends around our busy kids.

My Bible time looks something like that too. I don't get those hour-long times of deep studying, but I get frequent snacks and God uses that time to transform me.

My conversations with God never feel finished. I get interrupted and some days it feels like I only utter a half-sentence in prayer. But He is still near. And He still answers the prayers I sometimes forget I even prayed.

If you can have an hour of time to yourself to feast on the word, do it! You're not going to look back at your life and wish you spent less time reading the Bible.

But I want to help you set up a sustainable guilt-free system to get those bible “snacks” throughout the day.

1. Assess your schedule

As you go about your week, assess where you have little pockets of downtime. Maybe you have a long drive you usually spend listening to a podcast. Maybe you have a baby you're currently breastfeeding. Maybe you have time in the car waiting to pick up your grocery order or your kids from school.

2. Place Bibles all around you

Download the audio Bible to listen to while you drive, and download a Bible app and a Kindle Bible so you have it handy in times that are usually filled with other media. Keep a Bible in your car, at your office desk or another place where you've discovered a small pocket of downtime.

3. Make your Bible the easiest thing to turn to

Move Instagram to the last page of your apps and put the Bible apps right up front. Store a Bible on top of your TV remote or on the passenger seat of your car. Keep your phone buried in your purse or in the glove box so you grab that bible first!

4. Reassess often

As you reassess, have grace for yourself. The goal is not to read the bible in all of these places every day, but surrounding yourself with God’s word and making it the easiest thing you can turn to will drastically increase the amount you pick it up! I still have days that pass without time in the Word, but those days are more rare than ever! Most days I end up reading in at least one of the places I store a bible.

Use Positive Reinforcement

I got so sick of time-bound Bible reading plans and challenges that caused me to feel guilty when I missed a day. Instead, I like to celebrate the days I do read the Bible and challenge myself in a more exciting way!

That’s why I created a Bible-reading tracker that allows me to mark each chapter as I read it!

I hope this strategy blesses you the way it has blessed me. I believe time with God can be something we look forward to and delight in instead of approaching it like a chore.


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