How to Show up Online When You Feel Awkward

Four. That’s how many blogs I started and quit before I FINALLY stuck with it. I had excuses of course - I was busy. I had nothing to write about. I didn't have any readers.

I would have told you my circumstances held me back each time, but now I see it was my mindset.

  • I don't have time = this isn't worth my time

  • I have nothing to write about = no one wants to read about my boring life.

  • I don't have a following = the people who follow me right now don't matter.

I was unable to stick with my passion until I finally found a way to work through those mindset problems. I joined a business coaching group in June of 2023, and godly wisdom from these CBT-certified coaches is changing my life.

Do you have a dream so close to your heart you don’t even want to talk about it? Do you want to start your own blog? Sell your art? Write God-honouring worship songs?

There’s a reason it's SO hard to take action. The enemy wants you to play small. He doesn’t want you to know your God-given value and walk in it. But, friend, it's time to put your foot down and declare “no more.” It’s time to walk in the purpose God is calling you to.

I hope after reading what I've learned, you will feel encouraged knowing you’re not alone in your messy thoughts and inspired to create something TODAY!

1. Hit publish even with typos

Many great ideas have lived and died in the depths of my Google docs. I used to spend so much time trying to get things right and living in constant fear of making a mistake that I never hit publish.

But I have been blessed so many times by content with a typo in it. And when I see that typo, I don't decide the writer was dumb or incompetent. Instead, it makes me feel better about my own humaneness.

Taking action will always trump sitting in the dark hoping you don't make any mistakes.

  • It's possible God will use my words even if they are imperfect.

  • It's possible anyone who notices a mistake will still be grateful I showed up and created something to bless them.

pssst! Do you want to start a blog too?

Download my Build a Blog checklist

and choose ONE step you can do TODAY!

2. It's okay to care what other people think. Care more about who you're here to serve.

I know how awkward it feels to start using Instagram *intentionally.* You know what I mean. Promoting your blog, sharing about your offer, and using hashtags, I used to think people were judging me so hard for showing up consistently and acting like I had something to teach.

"Who does she think she is talking like a blogger?" I imagined them saying. “Does anyone even read her blog?”

Was anyone saying that? I'll never know.

But I DO know God placed a message on my heart. I don't want to ignore the message I’m meant to share because I feel a little awkward.

Now, I hit “publish” with my ideal reader in mind instead of my critic. Sometimes the critics are louder in my DMs, but I choose to think about the ideal reader who will quietly be blessed instead.

3. Follow the nudges and trust it will all fit together in the end

I love learning about digital marketing! Social media strategy and the algorithm are fascinating. I want to know everything there is to know about email marketing and Pinterest for business.

But often, the knowledge I gain becomes something I use to delay hitting publish. I tell myself I'll be able to write it better tomorrow, I should be making an Instagram reel instead of writing a long caption, or the topic on my heart doesn't make sense with my content strategy.

I even tell myself I can't show up on Instagram today until I create a content calendar for the rest of the month.

Spending more time in my Google Docs planning and writing and rewriting and rewriting never brought the clarity I hoped it would. Do you know what does bring clarity? Showing up imperfectly. Taking action. Engaging with real people on social media and discovering how my content resonates. Since taking action and publishing imperfect words, I’ve started to gain clarity about the message on my heart for this season.

4. View everything as an experiment

I used to put so much pressure on a single post or story. I thought if I shared a free download once and no one opted in, it was a waste. I made it mean I had nothing valuable to share.

Sometimes I wish I could go back and hug my past self.

The internet is a loud place. Especially on Instagram! Marketers say we need to see something EIGHT times before taking action.

I’m learning to get comfortable sharing the same thing several times in different ways on different days to learn what resonates with my audience.

I used to think the worst thing in the world would be creating an offer no one purchases. But you know what? I can still learn and gain valuable data through a “failure” like that. Nothing is really a failure because every attempt brings growth and valuable information.

pin for later

5. Don't pursue your dreams alone

I felt awkward talking about my love of writing for SO long. I hoped I would become Instagram famous overnight and wake up suddenly comfortable showing up online.

It was a desire to STEWARD well that had me praying for help. I realized I wanted to steward even my 500 Instagram followers well instead of believing they didn’t count.

I used to look around and think everyone online had already arrived. They seemed to have the followers, a clear message, and a consistent content calendar.

When I joined the Peace and Profit Business Academy, I began meeting amazing women who are still in the middle or at the beginning like me! I met other women also wondering "Do I want to have a business?" "Is it possible to pursue my dream?"

Each week on a group coaching call I have the opportunity to raise my hand and ask a question or listen in as someone else receives coaching. Often, others ask questions I didn't know I had! Most of what I've listed here is wisdom I’ve gained from one of those calls - or from implementing the coaching I received. The coaches are also moms and godly women, so I know the advice I receive is going to align with my faith and with my season of life.

I joined this group thinking "I'll try it for a month and then probably cancel my membership." But now that I've experienced almost 4 months of calls, I'm never leaving!

If you feel alone in your pursuits, don’t stay alone. Join a coaching group, talk to a friend, or send me a DM on Instagram. I would love to connect with you!

So what is it for you? What is the dream you want to pursue SO badly you don’t say it out loud? Take a small step today. Even if the results aren’t what you expected, you won’t regret taking action.


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