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Blogging, Writing, Creating Micaela Meister Blogging, Writing, Creating Micaela Meister

Start Your Blog: Overcome 5 Blogging Objections

Have you been putting off starting your Blog or YouTube channel? For years, I told myself I didn't have time to blog or that I didn't know how to start a blog. But really, I was afraid. I let insecurities hold me back from pursuing my God-given dreams.

I waited until one of my most chaotic seasons of motherhood, with two under two, to finally start my blog. Now, I've made it my mission to help other women get started as new bloggers. Today, I'm sharing several excuses I used in hopes to encourage you if you are hiding behind these excuses too.

If you desire to write or create content and encourage the world, that desire isn't going to go away. There's a good chance it was placed in you by God, and you need to be obedient! As a mom of toddlers, I'm thankful to have a creative outlet, and an opportunity to encourage others in their faith without leaving the walls of my home.

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Writing, Blogging, Creating Micaela Meister Writing, Blogging, Creating Micaela Meister

8 Tips to Help You Beat Writers Block

Is writer’s block tormenting you? My list of 8 tips to get rid of writers block is sure to provide some inspiration! Whether you’re working on a book or you’re a beginner blogger, these prompts are full of advice to get your creative juices flowing. Need more inspiration? Check out our list of 100 blog post ideas!

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Blogging, Writing, Creating, Online Business Micaela Meister Blogging, Writing, Creating, Online Business Micaela Meister

5 Reasons to Start a Blog Today

“Should I start a blog” you often wonder. Maybe you catch yourself writing blog posts in your head or frantically scribbling down blogging ideas in the middle of the night, but for some reason, you haven’t taken the plunge just yet, and you want to figure out if blogging is for you. As someone who sat on the sidelines for years and is now a beginner blogger, I’m eager to share five reasons to start your blog TODAY instead of putting it off for another year.

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Blogging, Writing, Creating, Online Business Micaela Meister Blogging, Writing, Creating, Online Business Micaela Meister

5 Mistakes I Made as a New Blogger

I spent YEARS reading blogging tips & tricks instead of actually blogging. I thought I needed to learn everything possible FIRST, instead of starting a blog and learning by trial and error.

There are some things you can’t learn from a blog post or masterclass. Eventually, you need to show up, start your blog, make mistakes and watch how quickly you learn! Today, I’m sharing 5 mistakes I made as a new blogger, but please - don’t make mistake #5. Skim this post real quick, grab my free PDF download (the Build a Blog Checklist) and GO START YOUR BLOG. I mean it!! You’ll learn so much more in those weeks as a beginner blogger than you will reading dozens of blogs about blogging tips.

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Writing, Creating, Blogging, Online Business, Social Media Micaela Meister Writing, Creating, Blogging, Online Business, Social Media Micaela Meister

How to Show up Online When You Feel Awkward

Four. That’s how many blogs I started and quit before I FINALLY stuck with it. I had excuses of course - I was busy. I had nothing to write about. I didn't have any readers.

I would have told you my circumstances held me back each time, but now I see it was my mindset.

I don't have time = this isn't worth my time

I have nothing to write about = no one wants to read about my boring life.

I don't have a following = the people who follow me right now don't matter.

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