positive & encouraging moments of motherhood
it’s possible you’ll LOVE being a mom
How to Handle 3 Under 3 With Joy
Just a few months ago I was googling "how to survive 3 under three" and "pros and cons of a small age gap." Now, I'm here, 3 months in as a mom of three and ready to share what I’ve learned and my ! If you are nervous about welcoming your third child and need encouragement, I hope this video will bless you! I'll share a few things that surprise me about having three small children, emotional tips for adjusting to a third child, and the logistics of leaving the house with 3 under 3. Like everything in motherhood, it might go better than you think!
How to Prepare for a Peaceful Postpartum
Are you struggling to prepare for postpartum? Should you build a postpartum care kit? What newborn clothing essentials do you need? What are the best freezer meals for postpartum? How should you navigate postpartum visitors? A million questions are running through your mind, and I’m here to help you simplify. In all the list making and to do lists, don’t forget to prepare for rest. Prepare emotionally, prepare your home, and prepare the people around you. We’re covering it all in this comprehensive guide to a peaceful postpartum!
5 Reasons to Try Natural Family Planning
Hormonal birth control is a HARD no for me. After a brief negative experience with the pill and an IUD, I decided to avoid it altogether. Since making this decision, I began to learn of the dangers including increased cancer risks, mental health issues and more. I knew I wanted a natural option that was SIMPLE so we began Natural Family Planning the easy way in 2019 and never looked back!
5 Ways to Introduce Your Toddler to Jesus
So… are we going today? I asked my husband every Sunday morning, knowing neither of us wanted to show up at church. We always left the decision to the last minute, and sleeping in usually won. Church didn’t feel like a priority.
But when I was pregnant with my daughter, everything changed.
I imagined the life I wanted for our kids, and I knew I wanted God to be a part of it. There was no longer room to be passive about my faith I was going to be responsible for discipling another person.
5 Must-Read Books for Christian Moms
I learned more in my first few months as a mom than in my whole life before that. I also had dozens of new topics to binge audiobooks on including breastfeeding, baby sleep and more.
As I read and learned more about motherhood, I realized I don't want to get so focused on the tangible everyday needs that I forget to care for our souls. I want to be constantly learning how to be a godly wife and mother. I want to be continually pointing my kids back to God and modelling what it looks like to depend on Him and walk closely with Him.
How to Transition to Two-Under-Two
As a huge fan of our 15-month age gap, I’m here to share a message of hope along with my favourite tips and tricks and advice to transition well into life with two-under-two. I know you can manage a baby and a toddler and enjoy motherhood even in this busy season as a two under two mom. There are many ways to make life easier and tips you must have as you make the jump.
Pros and Cons of a 15-Month Age Gap
About a year ago, my search history looked like this:
“Pros and cons of the 15-month age gap?”
“What is the best age gap?”
“Two under two tips”
It feels surreal being on the other side of the transition and able to share my own experience as a two-under-two mom. Spoiler alert - we love our small age gap. I highly recommend having your kids as close as you want to and are able to!