Finding Out I’m Pregnant for the First Time

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“Hey, do you know what today is?” I asked him. Of course, he didn’t! March 27 didn’t mean anything to us until that day in 2021.

Finding Out

I tested before I even missed my period. We had a chemical pregnancy the month prior, and I was starting to feel exactly the same. Sore boobs and light little cramps. It could be my period coming. But I knew it was different.

Three minutes felt like forever as I waited for the results and tried to capture it on video without my husband overhearing.

I wasn’t surprised when the word “pregnant” popped up, but I was overwhelmed! I needed to tell my husband ASAP.

Telling My Husband

Tommy spent the morning deeply focused on his sourdough loaves. It took me several hours to pull him away long enough to tell him we had a bun in the oven!

To avoid suspicion, I told Tommy I was going to take a photo of us, and when I went to “check them” I switched the phone to video mode.

Trying to be casual I said, “Hey, do you know what today is?” It's a question he’s used to by now. Usually, the answer is something obscure like “the half anniversary of the day you told me you loved me.” I never expect him to know the answer, I just want to acknowledge each occasion.

He made a couple of guesses but was stumped, of course. March 27 didn’t mean anything until that day. I handed him a gift bag containing the positive test and a baby outfit. 

Processing Together

We cried together and tried to wrap our heads around what was to come. In the span of two months, we went from not planning to have biological children to having one on the way!

I didn’t know it then, but it would take me about 7 more weeks and an ultrasound to believe the test wasn’t faulty, 13 more weeks and flutters in my belly to believe there really was something in there, and 36 more weeks (including 3 days of labour) to finally connect the dots and exclaim “oh my goodness, you’re a baby.”

Up until the last day of my pregnancy I kept saying “Thank goodness pregnancy is so long.” I needed all that time to process her arrival.

Even now, as I look at my sweet daughter, I have trouble believing she grew inside me. That’s so far-fetched! How is it possible? I know I felt sick and threw up for a few weeks, gained a bunch of weight, and spent a full day writhing in a tub, but where did the baby that was placed on my chest come from?! My brain can’t handle the miracle we witnessed. 

On the day we found out, I cried. I cried tears of joy and confusion and most of all, tears full of fear for what we would lose. Our marriage was good. Life was fun and simple. It felt hard to lay those things down without knowing what we were getting. 

I look at these photos now, and those kids feel so distant like I can hardly remember them. But they’re still here and we’re still them. Just slightly older, hopefully a little wiser and so much more FULL.

Check out this post:

Ria’s Birth Story


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