3 ways to prepare for the days you doubt your value

The devil doesn’t want you to know your value. He doesn’t want you to walk around with your head held high like a child of God. He is crafty with the ways he leads us to doubt who God made us to be, and I used to fall into that trap and stay stuck there for months at a time.

This is war. If this was a physical war with an enemy we could see, we would have a plan! I don’t want this to just be another cutesy post you read, I want you to implement these steps so that next time you find yourself drudging through doubt, you have a plan to remember who God made you to be and get back to walking in your value.

Write yourself a letter

“oh shoot. I still don’t know what to do with my life. I’m a failure.” is a lie that gets me down more often than I care to admit. I realized back in 2021 that I spent a lot of time wallowing in this belief. So I decided to write myself a letter addressing this specific lie in order to shorten the time it takes me to get out of it.

I invite you to really pray into this one. you can choose a specific lie you believe or write a general letter reminding yourself you’re a child of God. invite the holy spirit to help you figure out what you’ll need to hear in those times.

Sometimes I use Canva to make mine pretty, but don’t let format hold you back. yours can be in a word doc, the notes app on your phone, or the back of an envelope. just get it written down!

Make a list of people to text or call

I have the tenancy to withdraw when I doubt my value. but when I’m sitting alone keeping my fears in the dark, it’s much harder to get over them.

I know you have strong women of God in your life who would be happy to pray for you! Make a list of them now, and even draft a simple text asking for prayer that you can fire off when the need arises. Thankfully, God didn’t leave us in this battle alone. Don’t be afraid to call for backup!

Plan something fun

I have a tendency to overcomplicate fun (this book has been really helpful for me). It doesn’t have to have a point, or make you money, just find something little that brings you joy, and do it as an act of worship.

Lately, I like to throw on loud worship music and dance with my daughter, or pull out some watercolor paints and calligraphy pens while I’m watching tv. It doesn’t have to have a greater purpose or be another task on your to-do list, just find something you enjoy to keep from wallowing in self-doubt. Choose something ahead of time so you won’t be able to talk yourself out of it when you’re feeling low!

Bonus: Find a way to make the rest of the day easier. This is your permission slip to pull out frozen pizzas or chicken fingers and have a picnic on the floor for dinner.


I hope after implementing these tips, you’ll be prepared for the days you spend doubting your value.

When that tough day arrives, don’t view these as extra tasks on your to-do list or something you can “fail” at. Instead, let these strategies serve as a warm hug until you’re ready to take on the world again.

Wondering where to go from here? I think you’ll like my free download!

As followers of Jesus, we know our value comes from Him alone. But we still catch ourselves acting as if we can somehow decrease or increase our worth. In this three-part ebook, I’m sharing a few ways I tried hard (and failed) to increase my value and my three-step strategy for overcoming lies about my worth.


Ria's Birth


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