005 | Twelve Books every Christian Mom Needs to Read
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I love learning new things. I think I've learned more in my three years as a mom than in my entire life before that. Of course, I’ve learned through hands-on experience (isn’t motherhood the ultimate way to "learn on the job?"), but I’ve also learned through books.
When I was pregnant with my first child, I dove headfirst into all things baby sleep, toddler behavior, potty training and anything else I thought I would encounter in the years to come. My love for reading only grew through long hours breastfeeding and holding a sleeping baby!
Today, I’m sharing 12 books that have changed my life—some in practical ways, others in deeply spiritual ways. While not all of them are specifically about parenting, every single one has shaped me as a mom.
First, a Devotional For You!
Before we get into the list, I have to mention my own devotional, Bible Time Take Back! If you’re a mom who wants to read the Bible more but struggles to find the time (or just feels stuck), this devotional is for you. It’s packed with practical tips and encouragement to help you reconnect with God’s Word in the midst of motherhood.
You can grab a copy in paperback or on Kindle over on Amazon.
Speaking of Kindle, I read most of my books digitally, and it has saved me so much money and space. If you’ve been on the fence about getting a Kindle, I highly recommend it for those long hours of breastfeeding and long nights holding a sick or teething baby! I have this one.
1. Fervent by Priscilla Shirer
This book completely transformed my prayer life. Shirer challenges us to recognize that we’re in a spiritual battle—whether we acknowledge it or not. Fervent taught me to pray with intentionality, especially over my family, and it’s one I highly recommend if you want to deepen your prayer life.
2. Create Anyway by Ashley Gadd
If you’re a creative mom (or want to be), this book is a must-read. Gadd shares the unique challenges of creating while mothering and how our creativity actually grows and changes beautifully in this season. As someone who was scared to start blogging, this book gave me the push I needed.
3. Take Back Your Family by Jefferson Bethke
I read this book when my firstborn was just a few months old, and it completely reshaped how I see my role as a mom. Bethke walks through the history of the family and God's original design—not just a nuclear family but a multi-generational team on mission for God.
If possible, read this one with your husband! It sparked so many great conversations for us.
4. The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi
This book is all about setting up systems that actually work for your life, not just following someone else's plan. The concept is genius: be a genius about what matters and lazy about what doesn’t. It’s completely changed the way I manage my home and let go of things that don’t serve my family’s priorities.
5. Cozy Minimalist Home by Myquillyn Smith
I’ve never been a huge home decor person, but this book made me rethink how I create a cozy, functional space without cluttering it up. It taught me simple design principles—like how big a rug should be or how to choose paint colors—that made decorating so much easier.
6. How Not to Die by Michael Greger, MD
The title sounds intense, but this book is all about the power of food and how it affects our health. It was one of my first introductions to nutrition and made me much more intentional about what I feed my family. I don’t agree with everything (he leans more plant-based than I do), but it’s a great starting point for learning about whole foods and healthy eating.
7. The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
This book made me rethink busyness and what it means to live a slow, intentional life. It was the first place I learned about Sabbath and how it can still be practiced today. It also helped me see that I don’t need a huge platform or social media following to write and encourage others—something God has confirmed over and over since then!
8. Satisfied by Alyssa Bethke
I read this while pregnant with my first and remember lying in bed, nauseous, but soaking in every word. It taught me so much about contentment and finding true satisfaction in God alone. This was a lesson I desperately needed as I transitioned into motherhood.
9. Completely His by Shannon Ethridge
I first read this as a teenager, and it was foundational in shaping my relationship with God. Ethridge shares powerful analogies and personal stories that helped me understand what it really means to walk closely with Jesus. I used to reread it every year, and I think it’s time for another revisit!
10. Risen Motherhood by Emily Jensen & Laura Wifler
I treated this book like a devotional when I was pregnant and read a chapter a day. It beautifully weaves the gospel into every aspect of motherhood, reminding us that we’re not doing motherhood alone. We have God’s strength to depend on!
11. The Read-Aloud Family by Sarah Mackenzie
I’ve always loved reading, so of course, I was the mom reading books to my belly while pregnant. This book validated my love for reading to my kids and gave me so much research-backed encouragement on why it’s important. It also has great book lists for every stage of childhood, which will come in handy when we begin homeschooling.
12. The Life-Giving Parent by Sally & Clay Clarkson
I’ve loved everything I’ve read from Sally Clarkson, but this book, co-written with her husband, was special. They share the intentional choices they made while raising their children to know Jesus, and it’s packed with wisdom for Christian parents.
Final Thoughts
These 12 books have shaped my faith, my motherhood, and even the way I run my home. If you’re looking for a new read, I highly recommend checking out one (or all!) of them.
Each title is linked above, and yes, they are affiliate links. If you choose to purchase through them, it’s a small way to support my family (thank you!).
Also, don’t forget to check out my Devotionals for moms Bible Time Take Back!
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