001 | How to find joy in Motherhood

Can Motherhood be simple?

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How can Motherhood be simple?

Choosing the name Motherhood Made Simple felt like a bold move. Motherhood isn’t exactly simple, right? It’s not easy, and I don’t think it’s supposed to be. This is some of the most important work we will ever do.

I always think it’s funny when people are surprised that being a mom is hard—of course it is. Anything worthwhile requires hard work.

I think we tend to overcomplicate motherhood, especially when emotions get involved. Maybe the steps to starting our baby on solids are simple, but it feels overwhelming because we want to do what’s best for our little ones. Or maybe we make a parenting decision, feel confident about it, and then hear another mom say she’s doing the opposite, and suddenly, we start second-guessing everything.

I want to help you cut through the noise, get back to basics, and simplify motherhood—not necessarily to make it easy, but to help you find joy in motherhood!

There’s Another Way

Everywhere I look, I see moms who feel insecure, overwhelmed, and burdened. It seems like there’s an attack on motherhood, and I believe there’s another way. I believe we don’t have to do motherhood on hard mode. There is joy and peace to be found here. And the best part? We’re not doing this in our own strength—we’re doing it in the strength of Christ.

I believe when we simplify practical things like laundry or potty training, and get clear on our God-given role as a mother, we can find immense joy and peace in motherhood.

How I Became a Mom

For the first few years of our marriage, I didn’t think we’d have biological kids—I just had no real desire. I wanted an unconventional life, maybe serving in ministry or fostering and adopting. But then, in 2020, I went through a season of deep depression.

In the middle of struggling with friendships, trying to find my purpose, and crying out to God for a way to lay my life down for Him, He placed motherhood on my heart. It was a huge, middle-of-the-night, transformation moment. The next day, I told my husband, and he was thrilled! He had always wanted biological kids.

Two months later, I was pregnant with our daughter. Even though we planned it, it still felt shocking after believing for so long that we wouldn’t have biological children. I think I’m the only person I know who, right up until 40 weeks, was still saying, “Praise God, pregnancy is long.” I needed every moment to prepare my heart!

And then my daughter was born, and I was amazed.

Finding Joy in Motherhood

I expected to struggle. I expected to feel trapped. But instead, I loved being a mom. I thought my baby was fascinating. I loved spending my days with her. And yet, I felt like I had to stay quiet about that. I felt like I couldn’t tell other moms how much I loved motherhood because so many seemed to be struggling.

I believe the negativity around motherhood today is a stronghold that Satan has on our culture. That might sound dramatic, but I think we need to acknowledge the intense spiritual war going on. Think about it—if you were the enemy and wanted to destroy the world, where would you start? Destroying families. Breaking down mothers. Wounding the next generation.

Yes, motherhood is hard work. But in many ways, we’ve taken “mom humor” and complaining too far, to the point where we’re missing out on the joy of raising our children.

For a while, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. I thought surely I wouldn’t love motherhood forever. But then, after having three kids under three years old, I decided if I could find joy in this busy, exhausting season, I could find joy in any season of motherhood.

How can we love motherhood?

I’ve been trying to figure out why I love being a mom and how I can help you feel the same way. Here’s what has made a difference for me:

  • Realistic expectations Motherhood is hard, yes. But it’s good, fulfilling, and deeply meaningful. I expected it to be hard, and that left me pleasantly surprised.

  • A high value of motherhood When we believe that raising children is one of the most important callings in the kingdom of God, it transforms how we approach our days.

  • Recognizing our God-given value If we don’t know our worth in Christ, we will struggle to live with joy and confidence in our role as moms.

That’s why, in the next episode, we’re going to talk about your God-given value. I believe this is the first step to truly finding peace and purpose in motherhood.

Please stick around!

I’m so excited to continue sharing my heart with you and helping you simplify motherhood so you can enjoy raising your sweet kiddos for God’s glory. If you want more from me, check out my blog or grab a copy of my new devotional for toddler moms, Bible Time Take Back, on Amazon.

And if this post (or episode) resonated with you, I’d love it if you subscribe to the podcast on Spotify, Apple pod, or wherever you listen, and share it with a friend. Thanks for being here—I can’t wait to walk this journey of motherhood together!


002 | Hope When You’re Failing in Motherhood