
positive & encouraging moments of motherhood

it’s possible you’ll LOVE being a mom

Healthy Habits, Motherhood, Motherhood Mindset Micaela Meister Healthy Habits, Motherhood, Motherhood Mindset Micaela Meister

Screentime Boundaries for Moms

Looking to reduce your screen time? Let’s talk about it! I’m sharing my personal screen time rules in hopes to inspire you to spend less time on your iphone. Instead of using a chart or incentive for low screen time, we’ll make subtle shifts in your daily routine and priorities.

My husband and I have done some drastic experiments like the time we cancelled our wifi, deactivating my Instagram account and waiting over 8 months to set up our tv after moving. How did those experiments turn out? Keep watching to find out!

Small subtle shifts in our screentime habits have the power to change our whole life. I find each time I decrease screentime, I increase in happiness!

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Motherhood, Motherhood Mindset, three under three Micaela Meister Motherhood, Motherhood Mindset, three under three Micaela Meister

How to Handle 3 Under 3 With Joy

Just a few months ago I was googling "how to survive 3 under three" and "pros and cons of a small age gap." Now, I'm here, 3 months in as a mom of three and ready to share what I’ve learned and my ! If you are nervous about welcoming your third child and need encouragement, I hope this video will bless you! I'll share a few things that surprise me about having three small children, emotional tips for adjusting to a third child, and the logistics of leaving the house with 3 under 3. Like everything in motherhood, it might go better than you think!

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