5 Ways to Reduce Toxins in Your Home

I’ve made some DRASTIC changes over the past two years. The kind that have me turning around asking “wait a second - who am I?!” 

I think if you had taken Micaela from two years ago, sat her down, and tried to explain who she would become, she would have been totally overwhelmed. She would’ve had no idea how to get from where she was to where I am now. 

But, thankfully, she didn’t know. Instead of getting overwhelmed, she just took the next right step in front of her. One day she stopped using candles, the next month she threw out a couple of lotions, and eventually we ended up here - with a much healthier home.

Wherever you are on this journey today, I want to celebrate the fact that you are here, walking this road, no matter how far along you’ve come in learning about natural living and ditching products!

Today isn’t about a complete overhaul of your life and your home, it’s about choosing one small step to take next. I’m going to give you five easy options, but don’t feel like you have to rush out and do all five. Choose one for today and one for tomorrow. 

Let’s go!

1. Home Fragrances

I know how good it feels to come home from work, change into your sweats, grab a snack and light a candle. The act of watching the wick catch fire, the warm light, that smell of cinnamon apples wafting through the air...

But I think we all know that candle doesn’t contain any apples or cinnamon. That “fresh linen” air freshener in your bathroom - it doesn’t contain any clean sheets either. 

So where does the smell come from? Usually it’s simply listed as “Fragrance” on the package. Unfortunately, this is a blanket term for some kind of chemical concoction. Companies can even include ingredients that would otherwise be banned, under the label “Fragrance.”

I know it’s tough to come to terms with, but it’s time to ditch those candles, air fresheners, body mists, linen sprays and anything else putting an artificial fragrance into your home. I always recommend home fragrances as the starting point because it’s a quick and easy win. You don’t have to replace these items with anything new!

2. Cleaning Products

I think I enjoyed ditching this one a little too much. As I packaged up all my window, floor, laundry and surface cleaners I imagined what my life would be like if I never had to clean again! Ha! That would be nice. 

But since we unfortunately have to clean our homes, we’ll need to find an alternative. There’s a lot you can do with items you probably already have on hand! Lemon juice, vinegar, baking soda - these are all fantastic natural cleaners. Spend some time browsing Pinterest, and you’ll find tons of DIY recipes!

I also have a free email class all about my favourite natural cleaner, a very effective, budget friendly and fantastic-smelling natural cleaner!

3. Lotions

I applied lotion to my whole entire body every day as a 14-year-old. It sickens me to think of it now and reflect on the chemicals I was putting on myself. But let’s try to have some grace for that girl. She didn’t know. 

Before I buy a lotion now, I look it up on the Think Dirty app! By typing in the name and brand, I’m able to see a list of ingredients and all their possible side effects. 

You don’t need anything fancy to replace your lotions with. There’s a lot you can do with just a jar of coconut oil, or maybe some raw organic shea butter. With just those two ingredients, you can even DIY your own homemade lotion just how you like!

4. Soap

Soap is a pretty broad category, I know. I think most of us have a huge variety of soaps in our homes. Even in one day, we end up using body wash, hand soap, face wash, dish soap and more! 

The good news is, we can replace most of these things with a big ‘ol bottle of castile soap! (just make sure you buy an unscented” version!) You can even add some essential oils to give it a nice aroma or make it even better for your skin.

5. Dryer Sheets

Check these out on Think Dirty before you throw in your next load of laundry. Please! 

Instead of running to the grocery store to buy more, why not grab something different that’ll serve the same purpose and last you years? I’ve been using these wool dryer balls for almost two years now! Dryer balls can collect static just the same and, apparently, even decrease your drying time.

Like I said earlier, this is not about doing a complete overhaul all at once, but rather taking a series of baby steps towards living well, naturally. 

If you’re still feeling pretty overwhelmed, I recommend starting with home fragrances as a quick easy win!

Then, start thinking about what you’re using to clean your home. 

Did you know I have a free Natural Cleaning email class?

This is a great way to learn a bit more about cleaning naturally and my favourite budget-friendly cleaner! Let me grab your deets and I’ll show up in your inbox with more info!


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