Why I do the Natural Wellness Thing

“Who am I?”

I ask myself often when I make a comment about craving vegetables or how I don’t trust the ingredients in a certain product.

Really I’m asking “When did I start caring about these things?”

It’s not that I wasn’t a mindful consumer two years ago - it’s more than that. I was actually RESISTANT to anything remotely healthy for me.

My husband would make comments like “Maybe we should have a salad with dinner” or “Those lotions are definitely harming you” or “If you wouldn’t put it in your body, you shouldn’t put it on your body.”

I thought he was crazy. I didn’t know why he was pushing so hard on things that didn’t matter.

But those things did matter.

It wasn’t until I actually started reading ingredients that I realized the dish soap, toothpaste, lotions, and pretty much everything else I was using contained some pretty harmful ingredients.

I felt exhausted all the time, yet unable to sleep. I felt moody and irritable like I was riding some weird emotional roller coaster. And I still had no idea how much my facewash and my shampoo were contributing to all this!!


It got fun.

A friend introduced me to essential oils - the real ones - not those fragrance oils I almost bought at the grocery store.

I learned that I could support my body naturally (what?!) and I started experimenting with fun DIY personal care products with ingredients that helped more than hurt me.

It also got easier.

I found resources like the Think Dirty app! I love this app because it’s totally free, and it lets you look up personal care & cleaning products. The app gives it a rating and lists the ingredients with each possibly harmful side effect.

I also found a like-minded community.

I started connecting with other people who were on this same journey and learning along with them!

Suddenly taking care of me body became a priority.

Because really, that’s what I was saying all those times I said my health didn’t matter or that I didn’t need to read ingredients. I was saying I didn’t matter.

About two years ago, if you had told me I had to become this person and monitor every ingredient that touched my body, I would’ve laughed in your face and said it wasn’t possible.

And it wasn’t possible - not all at once.

I got here by changing one thing at a time. The transition to a chemical-free lifestyle is overwhelming all at once, so that’s why we start with baby steps.

If you’re wondering where to start, I think you’ll like this post:

5 Ways to Reduce Toxins in Your Home


Ylang Ylang Essential Oil


Oiling All the Way